Ignacio Uriarte was born in 1972 in Krefeld, Germany, and raised there. From 1992 to 1995 he studied Business Administration in Madrid and Mannheim and worked since then for corporations such as Siemens, Canon, Interlub and Agilent Technologies in Germany, Spain and Mexico. Parallel to his administrative work, he studied audiovisual arts at the Centro de Artes Audiovisuales in Guadalajara, Mexico from 1999 to 2001 and quitted his last serious fulltime-job in November 2003, dedicating himself since then to what he calls 'office art'. Since 2007 he lives and works in Berlin.
Solo shows
Binaries, UMOCA (Utah Museum of Contemporary Art), Salt Lake City, USA
Line of Work, The Drawing Center, New York City, USA
Fold Fluctuation, Louis 21, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Arbeitsraum, DAZ (Deutsches Architekturzentrum), Berlin, Germany
ASDFGHJKLÖ, ABC (Art Berlin Contemporary), Berlin, Germany
Líneas Generales, Et Hall, Barcelona, Spain
Generative Klang- und Zeichenkunst, Sametitled, Berlin, Germany
Sequential Drawings, Galleria Gentili, Prato, Italy
Arbeitsrhythmus, Figge von Rosen Galerie, Berlin, Germany
WORKS, Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida, Spain
Rotation 2, Ruler Space, Helsinki, Finland
Quatre sets de geometria i un full de paper, Arts Santa Mónica, Barcelona, Spain
WORKS, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, Spain
Preferiría no hacerlo, Casa del Lago, Mexico City, Mexico
Ignacio Uriarte, Licovny Salon, Celje, Slovenia
Letters and Numbers, Sariev Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Puntos expansivos, Espacio Marte, Mexico City, Mexico
Ignacio Uriarte, i8, Reykjavik, Iceland
Auf dem Papier, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg, Germany
Aufzählungen und Abrisse, Vierter Stock, Berlin, Germany
60 Sekunden, Lichthaus Arnsberg, Arnsberg, Germany
The invention of letters, PICA Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth, Australia
Typologies, Galerie Feinkost, Berlin, Germany
The history of the typewriter recited by Michael Winslow, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, Spain
The Michael Winslow typewriter experience, Art Positions, Art Basel Miami Beach, USA
I am making art (with Wilfredo Prieto), Taka Ishii gallery, Tokyo & Kyoto, Japan
Trabajos sobre (el) papel, La Fábrica Galería, Madrid, Spain
9 to 5, Galerie Feinkost, Berlin, Germany, Germany
Incidental arrangements (with Wolfgang Berkowski), Galleria Gentili, Prato, Italy
Trabajos en serie, Huarte Centro de arte, Pamplona, Spain
Tan sencillo como una línea ó un círculo, Laboratorio 987, MUSAC, Leon, Spain
Atasco de papel, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain
Alfa & Omega, Capella de Sant Roc, Valls, Spain
About lines and circles, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, Spain
O debuxo por diante, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Lo que pasa cuando dejas la oficina para dedicarte al arte, Casa Soler i Palet, Terrassa, Spain
Out of office, Damenundherren E.V., Düsseldorf, Alemania
Group shows
Episode 0: Introducing Insitu, Berlin, Germany
Voyages Intèrieur, Maison Particulière, Brussels, Belgium
For my Eyes only, VJP of Contemporary Art and Design, UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia
System und Sinnlichkeit, Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, Germany
Drawing Up!, Josée Bienvenu Gallery, New York City, USA
Art Mòbil, Arts Santa Mónica, Barcelona, Spain
Tools of Distorted Creativity, Transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
Analogital, UMOCA (Utah Museum of Contemporary Art), Salt Lake City, USA
DIN A33, Louis 21, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Origo (am Nullpunkt des Standpunkts), Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria
La imagen especular (Tirar del hilo. Colección ARTIUM), ARTIUM, Vitoria, Spain
Media-Scape Biennale, HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia
Reality Show, Tiziana di Caro, Salerno, Italy
Expanded Drawing 012, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mlallorca, Spain
Each Memory Recalled Must Do Some Violence To Ist Origins, Undisclosed Location, Utah, USA
In the mirror of yourself, ZINK, Berlin, Germany
Not by default – Post Internet Art aus Berlin, DAM, Berlin, Germany
Video/Choreo, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA
Hacer el fracaso, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain
Circuito Berlín 012, Instituto Cervantes, Berlin, Germany
PICA Salon, Pearth Insitute of Contemporary Art, Pearth, Australia
Cantastoria, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, USA
Sammlung Schroth, Kloster Wedinghausen, Arnsberg, Germany
Trait papier, un essai sur le dessin contemporain, Musée des beaux-arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Nymphius Projekte at CCAndratx, Mallorca, Spain
Unterm Strich. Abstract works on paper, Figge von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany
FAX, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, USA
one and the other are another, Ludlow 38, New York City, USA
Sobrescrituras, OTR Espacio de Arte, Madrid, Spain
Letter, Institute for Neo Connotative Action, Detroit, USA
Barcelona Col·lecciona, Fundación Francisco Godia, Barelona, Spain
The even covering of the field, FFAR forum för arkitektur, Stockholm, Sweden
Travesías, La Lonja, Alicante, Spain
All work and no play, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin, Germany
Resonance: Looking for Mr. McLuham, Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York City, USA
O´Clock - Design del tempo Tempo del Design, Triennale Design Museum, Milano, Italy
La Qüestió del Paradigma. Genealogies de l’emergència en l’art contemporani a Catalunya, La Capella, Barcelona, Spain
It´s a wonderful life, Collectors Comtemporary, Singapore
Die Linie überschreiten, Westwendischer Kunstverein, Gartow, Germany
Laws and Sausage, Nationalmuseum, Berlin, Germany
Die Linie überschreiten, Schau Fenster, Berlin, Germany
Sparta, Circolo Aternino / Piazza Garibaldi / Galleria White Project, Pescara, Italy
The art and math of the fold, FTC, Berlin, Germany
A historia escrita á máquina, Fundación Cidade da Cultura de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Travesías, Ses Voltes - Fundació Palma Espai d'Art, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Patterns of the mind - Turku Biennial, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museums, Turku Biennial, Finland
La Qüestió del Paradigma. Genealogies de l’emergència en l’art contemporani a Catalunya, Centre d´Art La Panera, Lleida, Spain
Destino/Zielort Berlin, Studio 1 Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Space Oddity, Kunsthalle CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
Invocation of the blank page, NICC, Antwerp, Belgium
A Painting Show, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany
The fold, Proje4L/Elgiz Museum of Contemprary Art, Istanbul, Turkey
Curator Battle I, Grimm Museum, Berlin, Germany
Remnants in documentation, General Store for Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia
Imatges a Contratemps, Museo de Granollers, Granollers, Spain
Invocations of the blank page, Spike Island, Bristol, Great Britain
The Winter Show, I8, Reykjavik, Iceland
World is Work, Kwadrat, Berlin, Germany
Jahresgabenausstellung, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg, Germany
Feinkost Triennale, Galerie Feinkost, Berlin, Germany
Tentative d'expansion d'un lieu parisien (cinq exercices de dessin), Mor Charpentier, Paris, France
ING Discerning Eye, The Mall galleries, London, Great Britain
The Cutting Edge, Galeria Valle Ortí, Valencia, Spain
Courier, University Art Museum, Albany, New York State, USA
During Office Hours, VGF, Berlin, Germany
Breaking Windows, Galerie Feinkost, Berlin, Germany
Art-O-Rama, Marseille, France
Heimliche Helden, Buckminster Fuller Dome, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany
During Office Hours, VGF, Berlin, Germany
Videodrome, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany
The kindness of Cronies, Homework, Berlin, Germany
Drawing Time, FRAC Lorraine, Galeries Poirel, Nancy, France
Available Works, .HBC, Berlin, Germany
The Atrocity Exhibition, Galerie Feinkost, Berlin, Germany
Itinerarios 2008/2009, Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santander, Spain
Zeigen, Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin, Berlin, Germany
La vida en este lado, Espacio Líquido, Gijón, Spain
El tiempo que venga, ARTIUM, Vitoria, Spain
Huesped - Colección del MUSAC en el Museo Catagnino y Macro, Rosario, Argentina
25 obras, 17 artistas, 4 relatos, Centre d´Art la Panera, Lerida, Spain
Zweckgemeinschafft, Micamoca, Berlin, Germany
Desdibujados, Fundación Botí, Córdoba, Spain
28th biennial of graphic arts, Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Huesped - Colección del MUSAC en el MNBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Print Matters, Global Gallery, Sidney, Australia
Sleeper, Brown Gallery, London, Great Britain
Back to the future, Coma, Berlin, Spain
Collezione FRAC Piemonte, Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, Italy
How to work better. Das Büro im Atelier, Intershop Tower, Jena, Germany
Uno + Uno, Multitud, Doméstico, Madrid, Spain
Der Autorität, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg, Germany
Copy-Fans a Copy-Vic, Copy-Vic, Barcelona, Spain
El papel del artista, Doméstico, Madrid, Germany
Deleted Scenes, Galerie Feinkost, Berlin, Germany
Crazycurators Biennale II, Bratislava, Slovakia
Nuova Collezione del Frac Piemonte, Centro Culturale Cittadella, Boves, Italy
Fullscreen, Foro Artistico - International Media Art Forum, Hannover, Germany
Workflow – junge Videokunst in der DASA, Deutsche Arbeitsschutzausstellung, Dortmund, Germany
Tilted Balance, Collectors Contemporary, Singapore
The practice of Everyday Life, Galerie Feinkost, Berlin, Germany
13. Marler Video-Kunst-Preis, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten, Marl, Germany
Michel de Certeu, Centre d´art contemporain AUOI, Grenoble, France
6ª Bienal de arte 'Leandre Cristòfol', La Panera, Lerida, Spain
1ª Mostra della nuova collezione FRAC Piemonte, Arca, Chiesi di San Marco, Vercelli, Italy
Oggetti Smarritti, Galleria Gentili, Prato, Italy
Vídeo a la carta 2, Galería DF, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Premis Ciutat de Palma ‘Antoni Gelabert’ d’Arts Plàstiques, Casal Solleric, Mallorca, Spain
Nogueras Blanchard - Thermal comfort, Artnews projects, Berlin
Existencias, MUSAC, Leon, Spain
Paisajismos Land_Scapes, Espacio Abisal, Bilbao, Spain
Exposició Final PO_4 Oficina, Sala Muncunill, Terrassa, Spain
Mirador 07, Intermediae/Matadero, Madrid, Spain
XLIV Certamen internacional de artes plásticas, Museu de Pollença, Mallorca, Spain
PO_4 en Bayonne, Estudio de Samuel Labadie, Bayonne, France
Temperatura ambient - Premi Miquel Casablancas, Can Fabra, Sant Andreu – Barcelona, Spain
Artefactos y decibelios, Sala Can Felipa, Barcelona, Spain
Premis Ciutat de Palma Antoni Gelabert d’Arts Plàstiques, Mallorca, Spain
Premio joven, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Bienal de Vic, Col.legi d’Aparelladors, Vic – Tarragona, Spain
CMYK: un proyecto de exposiciones latentes, Sala Can Felipa, Barcelona, Spain
Born 2, Galería Casa Born, Antequera, Spain
Poblenou Obert, Hangar, Barcelona, Spain
Off-loop, Galería dels Àngels and Sala d´Estar, Barcelona, Spain
La ciutat desitjada, Hangar, Barcelona, Spain
Se busca, Hangar, Barcelona, Spain
Living landscape, West Cork Arts Center, Skibbereen, Irland
Explorando lo próximo, Sala Can Felipa, Barcelona, Spain
In my mind´s eye, Sala d’Estar. Barcelona, Spain
Hangar en Pandemolden, Sala Pandemolden, Santander, Spanien
4ª Bienal de Vic, Casino, Vic, Spain
L'estat de les estructures, Hangar, Barcelona, Spain
Arqueologies Efímeres, Sala Can Felipa, Barcelona, Spain
Bromas en Serio, Hangar, Barcelona, Spain
2010 Scribble – the unbearable lightness of scribbling, Municipal Library, Arnsberg, Germany
2010 Scribble seminar, Otras cosas de Villarosas, Barcelona, Spain
2009 Seminar on the square for employees of the city´s Culture and Sports Deparmtent, Sassari, Italy
2008 Coral Terpsícore sings the Windows startup and shutdown melody, Valls, Spain
2007 Sculpture workshop for employees of the public library, Terrassa, Spain
2007 Seminar on the line for employees of the city´s Culture and Sports Department, Terrassa, Spain
2005 Office art workshop for employees of the public library Skibbereen, Ireland
2013 Videoabend, galerie januar, Verein zur Förderung junger Kunst, Bochum, Germany
2012 Eloge de Brut, Festival Chhhhhut, La Compagnie, Marseille, France
2012 LOOP, Barcelona, Spain
2012 In the Shadow of the Sun, Kino Babylon, Berlin, Germany
2011 Nuit Blanche, Les Trinitaires, Metz, France
2011 Of Birds and Wires, ShiftFestival, Haus für Elektronische Künste, Basel, Switzerland
2010 FID, 21ème festival international de documentaire du Marseille, Marseille, France
2010 Enlace 48 Cal Cego, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
2010 2. AllArtNow Festival, Goethe Institut, Damascus, Siria
2009 P.A.L. (Línea de Acción Permanente), Contemporary 09, Pamplona, Spain
2009 Sztuka Nowych Mediów, Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, Lodz, Poland
2009 13. Marler Videokunst-Preis, ZKMax, Munich, Germany
2009 Archivo de creadores de la comunidad de Madrid, Matadero & ARCO, Madrid, Spain
2008 Cosmopolitan Barcelona, Dia Art Foundation & The Hispanic Society, Nex York, USA
2008 Lingüísticas de la imagen, Casa Asia Barcelona & CIGE art fair, Beijing, China
2013 Line of Work, The Drawing Center, New York City, USA
2012 Three Hundred Sixty, Automatic Books, Venice, Italy
2011 Four Geometry Sets, The Flames, Barcelona
2011 Works, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao & Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida, Spain
2011 11 forms, Celje Centre of Contemporary Art Centre & Impress, Celje, Slovenia
2009 An expansion followed by a contraction, Onestar Press, Paris, France
2008 Alfa & Omega, Museu de Valls, Tarragona, Spain
Prices & grants
2013 Arbeitsstipendium Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn, Germany
2011 GAC award for the best gallery exhibition in 2010, Barcelona, Spain
2008 Crazy Curators Award, Bratislava Biennial, Slowakia
2008 Fundación Marcelino Botín production grant for visual arts, Santander, Spain
2007 CAM project grant for visual arts, Alicante, Spain
2006 international art price 'Born 2', Galería Casaborne, Antequera, Spain
2006 MUSAC production grant, Leon, Spain
2004 - 2006 Artist in residency at Hangar, Barcelona, Spain
Public collections
Colección La Caixa, Barcelona, Spain
Colección La Panera, Lleida, Spain
Colección CAM, Alicante, Spain
Colección DKV Arte y Salud,Spain
Colección Meana Larrueca, Madrid, Spain
Colección JUMEX, Mexico City, Mexico
MUSAC, León, Spain
ARTIUM, Vitoria, Spain
Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santander, Spain
Fundación Barrié, La Coruña, Spain
FRAC Piemonte, Torino, Italy
FRAC Lorraine, Metz, France
Sammlung Schroth, Soest, Germany
Lembachhaus, Munich, Germany
Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Kupferstichkabinett der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Berlin, Germany